Four Great Reasons You Need To Have A Will
Nobody likes to think about death - especially their own. While it may be a difficult subject matter to deal with, it is important to think about what's going to happen after you die. One of the best things you can do is to create a will. If you're wondering why it's so important to do so, here are four great reasons you need to have a will.
1. To Designate a Guardian for Your Children
If you have children, it's especially important to write a will so that you know they will be looked after by someone you trust in case something happens to you. If you don't have a will, then the state will be able to decide for you who should look after them.
2. To Designate Who Will Get Your Assets
By having a will, you get to determine who will take ownership of your assets after you pass away. This includes all personal belongings and anything else you own such as your car, the money in your savings account, your furniture, and anything that else that is of value to you.
3. To Make a Donation to Your Favorite Charity
If you have always been the type of person who gives to charity, a will makes it possible for you to continue to give even after you have passed away. All you need to do is designate what charity you would like part of your estate to be donated to in your will. Doing this can also help decrease the tax burden of your estate.
4. To Keep Your Business Going
If you own a business, you can ensure it continues after you have passed away. By having a will, you can easily pass your business on to the successors that you have appointed to take it over. You might also decide that you want to sell your business if you are no longer around to run it. No matter what, if you desire to keep your business going if something should happen to you, then you should have a will.
When creating your will, think of it as doing a loving act of kindness for your family and loved ones that you leave behind, which can make things a little bit easier when facing such a difficult thing. One more thing you should do after creating your will is to hire a probate attorney, like David R Webb Attorney, to ensure everything in it is carried out according to your wishes.