
Exploring The Legal Process

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Exploring The Legal Process

Hello everyone! I'm Gael Phillips. It is nice to meet you. I'm here to talk to you about criminal laws, court proceedings and legal repercussions. I feel that sharing this knowledge is important, as many people do not realize how the legal process works. My first, and only, scrape with the law left me shaken. I did not know what to expect throughout the entire case, so I felt unprepared for the outcome. I hope to share my knowledge with people who are in need of support throughout the legal process. I will also post stories full of information about past legal cases for an idea about how the law works. The legal process doesn't need to be scary and mysterious. Sharing stories can give others the insight they need about their situation. Thanks for visiting, come back often!

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Avoid Probate Using Special Account Designations

When planning your estate, you may be advised to set certain types of property aside to keep it away from probate. Probate can be lengthy, confusing, and expensive, and when you can keep property away from the probate court's oversight, your estate plan is benefited in several ways. One easy way to remove your property from probate's grasp is by using a special account designation. Read on and learn more about payable-on-death (POD) designations. Read More 

Understanding Workplace Retaliation Basics

Whether you've decided to blow the whistle on illegal business practices or you've been injured on the job and claimed worker's compensation, it's important that you understand the basics of workplace retaliation so that you can recognize it if it should happen. The more you understand, the easier it will be for you to take action when it's necessary. Here's a look at what you need to know about business retaliation so that you can reach out to a retaliation attorney if necessary. Read More 

Unexpected Motorcycle Accidents Can Lead To Serious Injuries

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Choosing Between Divorce And Separation

When spouses are having marital troubles, a common decision is to choose divorce. However, before choosing to get divorced, you should speak with a family law attorney to decide on whether separation is a better option. There are several situations where separation or divorce might be a better option. Understanding Separation Unlike divorce, separation does not end the marriage. You are not allowed to remarry if you are simply separated. Therefore, separation would be a bad choice if your goal is to end your relationship with your husband and begin a relationship with someone else. Read More 

How A Car Accident Attorney Helps Protect Those Traveling In Unknown Cities

Visiting new areas is an exciting experience and one that should be fun and unforgettable. However, there are situations – such as distractions in big cities during road construction – that can make this scenario upsetting. And when an accident occurs, an individual needs to understand their possible defenses and how a car accident attorney can help them. Distractions Can Make Driving Dangerous Traveling in a new area and in a big city can be rough, particularly when there is a lot of road construction going on at the same time. Read More